18. Before accommodating a person, the operator of an addiction resource must enter into a service contract with the person or the person’s representative, if applicable.
Before signing the contract, the operator must inform the person and the person’s representative of(1) the right to directly file a complaint with the integrated health and social services centre concerned on the services that he or she received or should have received from the operator of the resource;
(2) the nature and duration of the services proposed;
(3) the terms of payment;
(4) the rules respecting the stay; and
(5) the elements of the person’s assessment.
The contract must mention, before the space for the signature, that the person who wishes to receive services or the person’s representative, if applicable, received the document provided for in section 17 and the information the document contains was explained to the person or the person’s representative. The indication must also state that the person or the person’s representative, if applicable, received and understood the information provided for in the second paragraph of this section.
694-2016O.C. 694-2016, s. 18.